Thursday, August 13, 2009

Never Say Never

It is Back to School time and Vitali has started Kindergarten and if you had asked me a few years ago, I never thought I would be typing these words....that Inna and Grant are homescooling! If you had asked me about 5-10 yrs ago, I would have been one of the sceptical ones, but in the last few months, I have learned just how much I actually just didnt have a clue before about homeschooling!

About the middle of this past school year, I began to sense that it could possibly be something that was needed for Inna as the regular classroom and public school setting was not a good environment for her needs (There are some internationally adopted children that do well in public school, but this was not a good fit for her). When I began to see this and learn more about Inna's needs, my first reaction was, "Oh NOOOOO, please God tell me your not going to ask me to homeschool", but as we began working with her developmental specialists and other health professionals that see her and looking into other school options EVERYTHING constantly pointed to homeschool. Then, at the very same time, I had Grant who was not being challenged in school. He was in 2nd grade, but testing on a 4th grade level in pretty much every subject. He was completely bored in the regular classroom and when I would talk to his teachers, they would say...we notice that too, but we are doing all that we can to try to keep him challenged (But it still was not enough...he was coming home and try to challenge himself here). He was accepted into the gifted program, but this still is not challenging enough as it is only 1 day a week and he was begging me to let him homeschool. Needless to say, Jason and I have spent many months praying about the best situation for both kids! I always want to do what is best for my kids and although I knew that homeschooling 2 kids that are not on the normal curve of their grade level and 2 different extremes at that would be intense and challenging, but over time, my heart softened to the idea as I could see that it was the best thing for them and I decided to give it a try! It still amazes me how when we say, "Yes" to something God is asking us to do how there is such a strong peace that comes over us even though we know it may be tough...can I get a witness? ha! Now, that I have said, "Yes" I have really felt good about the decision and have enjoyed planning everything out. I cannot tell you how excited Grant is....he is so excited to work at his own pace and knowing that I will make sure he is challenged (got A beka curriculum for him this year) and excited about all the AWESOME field trips of the areas he is interested in that he would not otherwise be able to take and I see a new spark of motivation in him of excitement of the new opportunities. Inna is not big on school yet, but we are really going to be working on some things like life skills, social skills, etc... that should really boost her self esteem and this will give her an honest chance to do well. Also, I had no idea how many people homeschool in our area, but Oh my goodness, there are over 200 families that homeschool in little 'ol town of Prattville alone. We have joined a huge homeschool group (FHE) that offers clubs, extra curriculur activities, homeschool P.E. at the YMCA, and group field trips. Now, we get to have fun deciding which ones to be apart of.
I have explained to Grant, Inna, and Vitali (a little early for Vitali :) that we do not want them to compare themselves to each other academically, because mommy and daddy are going to see what each child's school needs are each year. I told them that there is public school, private school (if we can afford it :), and homeschool and what may be good for one, may not be good for another, so we will place each one in the best learning environment for them individually from year to year.

I do want to add this bit of info because it is hard to find info on this on the web unless you know exactly where to find it. I have researched to no end curriculums and such for kids with special circumstances and I am just SOOOO excited about what I have found for this year. I want to post this to help any adoptive family who may be looking....The UAB IAC gave me info on a program called Smart Start at this link:
It is a 8 step program designed for internationally adopted children who missed the vital years of brain development and it is designed to help the child's cognition and help place as much as possible the basic building blocks for learning in the brain that were missed in the first years of their life. I have also found some other books that I am excited about for math and reading that approaches the core subjects with basic cognitive developement in mind. The math approach helps with short term/long term memory and the reading book exercises are focused on cognitive development also. I will be glad to share the info I have found with anyone who may be interested in it...just shoot me an email!

Vitali started Kindergarten and is in the regular classroom part of the day and gets special ed services part of the day this year. He loves the idea of going to school and learning, but so far, one of the teachers has to pry him out of the car in the mornings and carries him while he says, "Mama" and wiggles around all the way to his classroom. His regular classroom teacher seems to be concerned with his activity level, but I really think this will get somewhat better once he adjusts to the change. We are all trying to give him a good adjustment time before any changes are made. He has a wonderful Special Ed teacher and she is great with him! I found out at orientation when I met her that she goes to church with us and we didnt even know it...isnt that cool? So, he will get to see her at both places :)

Well, the only other news is that Grant has finally started football again...try outs were today and He is pumped as he has waited for football to start back all year long!

Ok, since it is back to school time...Below is a little fun we have been having from
You can go to website and put your picture in any decade hairstyle and we have had fun laughing at all of them! Here are some we made...

Jason 80's (we think he looks like Greg Brady)/ Mel- 1976
Inna 1958/ Tiff 1982
Vitali 1960's/ Grant 1988


Stephanee&Zach said...

Yes I wonder all the time how it is that I find myself living back in my hometown (something I said I'd never do) and homeschooling (the other thing I said I'd never do). God does have a sense of humor :) I am scared to say 'never' about anything else now!!!

Your school plan sounds awesome! It sounds like you did find a great curriculum that is a great fit. She will have so much fun learning with you :) I bet she will come to really enjoy school.

Oh my goodness the pictures are too funny :)

rjvanegmond said...

Hey Melanie!!
thanks for your sweet comments on the blog. You are really a source of an encouragement to leave those... and yet another reminder of the Lord's faithfulness. I enjoyed reading through yours and am praying for you with the new homeschool routine!!

Chris and Mary Malone said...

Hey guys...I just saw on the World Next Door site where you posted a comment on a blog that you adopted from the Novograd baby home. We also adopted from there this winter (Feb-Mar 2009). Looking forward to reading your story on your blog! I hope things are going well for your family.

Chris and Mary Malone said...

In addition to us, Derek and Renee Loux adopted 3 beautiful boys (2 with down syndrome, 1 with something I can't remember right now) in Dec/Jan 2008/09. Then while we were there, John & Tracie Loux were there adopting 2 precious kids. 1 girl (with FAS) and 1 boy with Down Syndrome.

We adopted 2 boys with DS from there but Micah had been moved to the mental institution from Novograd.

What blessings!

StephieLynn said...

My mom homeschools all 5 of us kids, and we still love it. I'm in my senior year of high school and I've been homeschooled since 4th grade. It's been great with Riley especially, who also had some unique needs because of his experiences in India. He's 8 and still in first grade, but he's catching up quickly and I think he'll be starting second grade in January.

Loved the funny pictures of the kids! I'm glad to hear you all are doing well!

Stephanie Merkel