Thursday, June 5, 2008

What A Week- Part 2 :)

Well, we have had another eventful week. Daddy has officially gone back to work as of Monday and this was the first week of just Mama & 3. There were many challenges this week, but the Lord has been so gracious to give Mama & Papa the strength needed for each day! Thank you for all the support from friends and family this many of know who you are and I cannot thank you enough!!!

Inna & Vitali did go to the UAB international adoption clinic and it was so great to get the ball rolling there! I think they spent about 4 hours with us evaluating the two, but since they are older, the evaluations are quite extensive and they were not able to finish evaluating Vitali that day. We will go back on June 25th to finish his evaluations and get the results of Inna's. The Developmental Specialist tested her and did go ahead and tell us that she can start in 4th grade next year. So, when the school year starts, she will go to school with Grant. While we wait on our next UAB appointment, they will be seeing an Audiologist and Eye doctor. Grant went to the appointment with us and played hang man with one of their staff a lot of the time and he was just too excited not to have to get all the blood work with them. Inna on the other hand is one tough cookie and doesnt even react a little bit when getting blood work or even shots.

Well, with a whole new world to discover for Inna & Vitali, I thought I would post some of the things that they have found most AMAZING this past week~

1. Tin Foil~ I pulled out tin foil to put on the left overs and by her reaction you would have thought she spotted Elvis...she was amazed even more the next day when she saw Jody(my hairdresser) put that AMAZING tin foil in my hair for highlights

2. The small ice in Sonic Drinks~ she looked at me in a panic and thought that something was wrong with her soda. I explained that it is just like what comes out of our refridgerator door, but smaller and she thought that was cool.

3. The fact that Mama is 33 years old. It was ok for Papa to be 33, but when we told her that I was 33, she just looked at me with very sadly and just kept saying, "Mama, No".

4. Tiff eating Bruster's Hot Fudge Sunday~ she just looked at it and fell on the floor in passing out position :)

1. The handle on the toilet~ potty training at it's best!

2. A Bath~ I could never explain the amount of activity involved in his baths, but let's just say a Gold Medal Gymnast has nothing on him. He loves it!!!!

3. Car ride

4. Back rubs~ He loves to be touched and usually will lift up his shirt meaning he wants us to rub his belly and then he always flips over and wants you to do his back.

5. Books~ At night, when I go to read him a bed time story, he just laughs and laughs when I start it off...he thinks it is so cool to have a book read to him!

Well, that's all for now! More updates later.....

Stephanie~ Sounds like Riley IS a lot like Vitali. I would love to see a pic of him sometime! Thanks for keeping in touch along this journey!

Thanks for all the new post on the guestbook...Pat Miaoulis, Bret & Margie, and Elena was great to hear from you!


Connie said...

Love, love, love this post!! All the 'new' things and all the 'firsts' are just so much fun to watch--brought back some very fond memories for me.

I can so relate to the 'mama's age' thing! When we brought our girls home (9 & 12 yrs. old) they clearly thought mama and papa were young, cool, and hip. As they began to grasp the matter of age we could see them grow more aware that mama and papa were perhaps 'old' (41 & 42 at the time)!!!! Boy, did that 'burst my bubble'! Ha!

Enjoy these wonderful summer days together! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

We are from the Birmingham area and also used Lifeline. We tried to adopt from Ukraine unsuccessfully in 2005 but we have 3 bio boys 6,4, and 20 months. We still have a special place in our hearts for children from Ukraine and we have enjoyed following your story. Please keep posting all of the fun! We would love to see some new pics of all the kids as well. May God Bless your family! The Copes

TrishGastineau said...

Hey Hall Family!

I'm glad to see the post...we love to be updated. :D

Anonymous said...

It truly makes me smile ear-to-ear to read your updates.

Hello to ALL.

adoptedthree said...

I love to hear about the "firsts"- it is so crazy what we take for granted in our everyday lives.

I hope you are adjusting okay to three at once. It will get easier so that is the true blessing.


Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

What a precious documentation of their discoveries. Amazing!
I am so uplifted reading your journey.

Thanks so much for keeping up with ours, too! :-)

aretheytriplets? said...

Melanie and Jason,
Steven and I think of you often but get on the phone infrequently and the internet less than that these days! We are entering Week 6 at home, almost as long as we were in country. The boys are settling in and so are we...
Love from Auburn to you all, Pooh (Grant), and your 2 Ukies,

ArtworkByRuth said...

So love the comment on your being 33, each year we ask our son how old I should be and have been 24 for quite some time now! LOL. Hope Father's Day was equally special for all of you! God Bless!