Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Did You Vote Yet Today??

Does anyone else get emotional inside standing in line to vote...or is just me??? In a long line of many people commenting on just how long the lines are, etc.... (By the way, I have never understood why if we know we are going to be in a long line beforhand, why most people don't catch up on some good reading or even a magazine they enjoy...I have always brought a book with me and the time goes by so quickly) I always find myself feeling a little teary eyed and feeling really patriotic on voting days, especially for president (Actually, being a woman, I probably get teary eyed on many days for many things). I am not always exactly sure why except that on voting days I remember how blessed I am to live in a country with such freedoms to vote for my beliefs and I think it always reminds me of the values our country was founded on and the blessings that we live under in America as a direct result of being a nation established as ONE NATION UNDER GOD and how so many in the past have given their lives for the cause and then I think of the efforts of some to move our country away from these very things that we were founded on and that makes us a blessed nation and then I think Caleb (my brother) joining the military this year has brought a new meaning to voting this year too! I know Caleb's heart and why he joined was because he felt that this was what God called him to do for this time and has come to love his country so much that he feels honored at 26 yrs old to put his life on hold to serve his country and from his letters to us, they are telling him he can probably expect to go to war in the upcoming year. He seems to be making a big impact in his platoon. He says church is Awesome and he has been able to share about the Lord to so many of the men there and in his last letter he said that they are reading scriptures together and he gave his Bible away to one of the guys didnt have one ( I didnt even know that and in the last letter we sent him, we filled in the whole back page with scripture so he could just have some in front of him...GOD IS SO GOOD!) He said they now have, most of the guys in his platoon going to church together there. We are going to his graduation at the end of this month in Oklahoma...probably another teary eyed day, haha!!!

Anyway, hope you exercise your right to vote!!

By the way, Grant has already told Vitali last week that one day Grant will be the president of the U.S. and Vitali will be the president of Ukraine! I told them a few of the special priveledge that Mama hopes to have if that happens, haha!!!
He just looked at me like, "No, I am serious" and I could see those wheels turning of all that he would do if he were president. Those wheels are always turning and I am so thankful because he is very insightful and has so much discernment regarding people, he catches things that mama and daddy miss sometimes.
One cute story from the other day was we were all somewhere and someone gave us the question if we could meet any person in the world who would it be...and when it got to my turn, I was really stumped...you know there is a million people I want to meet, but you know how your mind goes blank when you are put on the spot. I just kept continuing to think and Grant said, "Oh, I bet I know...I bet you would love to meet Sojourner Truth"...WOW...SOJOURNER TRUTH (I didnt even know he knew who she was yet) and to think my limited mind was more on the lines of someone like Kelly Rippa, haha!!! I said, "Oh YEAH, YES, I WOULD"!



Anonymous said...

Land that I love! Stand beside her. And guide her.

Thanks for this post...we voted absentee (obviously), but we had the same great emotion of casting a vote that COUNTS...and ever so thankful that our nationality is AMERICAN!

Praying for your brother...what a great witness.

Anonymous said...

Yes I did vote! My candidate of choice did not win, but America still won that day. As I watched President Elect Obama's acceptance speach, I was overwhelmed by the significance of the moment. Regardless of whether or not we agree with his platform, or whether or not he does a good job, it was a great day for America. To think that the racial barrier fell and people of all races elected a man of color to the highest office of the land...it's monumental. America has entered into the age of the fulfillenmt of "the dream" . This is not the time or the place to stand on a soap box, but even though I don't agree with the politiics, I couldn't be prouder to be an American than I am today.