Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fall Fun!!!

We have had a fun week of the pumpkin patch, school parties, and Fall Festivals! Vitali and Mama went on a field trip with his class at school to the pumpkin patch in Clanton, AL. The first pic is of Vitali on the hayride to get to the pumpkin patch. I think he was most impressed by the tractor pulling us. Then, when we got off the hayride, he began looking for his perfect pumpkin (I think we actually picked up every pumpkin in the patch) and of course the day wouldnt be complete without falling head first into a burr somehow he managed to fall right in the middle of it head first and came out covered in burrs, even in his hair. I don't know what kind it was, but it felt like thorns, much sharper than it looked. The third pic is of the final pumpkin that he picked :)

These are of Vitali's school party.

Fall Festival Night:
Holidays are a lot of fun, because it is neat to see them experience for the first time the things that we are so used to having every year. They had a great time and Inna said, can we do this all again tomorrow! Grant dressed up as Price Caspian from Narnia for school, but then decided to be a football player that night. Vitali was Thomas the Tank Engine, but Inna kept telling people he was Tom and Jerry because she forgot what it was called and so Vitali starting thinking that too and started answering that he was "Jerry" for Tom and Jerry until I reminded him that he was was so funny! He actually has come to love Thomas the Train since being home, but with the new language, they sometimes get their words switched adds some extra fun into an already great time!

Last are a few of Grant's football pics at The Lions stadium where he played. Football season just ended and he had a great time and made a lot of great friends! He is now moving on to wrestling which is another thing he has wanted to do for a while, but we had him wait until this year. I don't know how he could love it as much as he loved football, but we'll see and he is just waiting for football to start back up already for next year. In the pic of the teams on the field, he is in the maroon jersey on the field closest to my camera. He has also really into Alabama football now and waits with excitement to watch the games! Roll Tide by the way!


Connie said...

Aren't those 'First' holidays precious and priceless!!!!??? :-)

Great pictures, looks like they had a blast--execept for the burrs! Ouch!

Anonymous said...

oh, inna looks so beautiful with her sparkley make-up! you have to frame that one! and to know that her heart is growing more & more beautiful each day... God is so good!