Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Trip to Oklahoma

Over the weekend, Grant, Tiff, my mom, and brother Jacob were able fly to Oklahoma to Caleb's graduation from basic training for the Army. Since Jacob works for Delta, we were able to fly on buddy passes, which is always a huge blessing! Everyone got out on the first flight, except for me and Jacob...me because someone had to stay back with one of our big pieces of luggage with Caleb's clothes that couldnt be checked in (long story) and Jacob because he was working and flew out on the late flight with me. I actually had 6 hrs in the airport by myself, but it went by so quickly. I am still amazed at how Ukraine still comes across my path so often even after the adoption...while at the airport, I ate lunch at Moe's and there was no seating, so a girl asked if should could sit at the table with me and we began talking and she shared with me that her husband is from Ukraine and she is from Moldova (by Ukraine) and her dad was born in Ukraine. I couldnt believe out of all the people in the airport, she had sat at a table with me and I told her about Inna and Vitali and we were able to share so much info with each other. She said that her family moved here a long time ago for religious freedom during communist times. She had so much to tell me about her experiences there and I had things to share with her as she had never visited an orphanage there, but had heard of the conditions. We exchanged email.

Jason wanted to go the graduation, but unfortunately does not have any more days off work from our Ukraine trip until May, so we video taped it for him. We felt that it would be best not to try to take Inna and Vitali yet since it is very unpredictable how they will do in new places, especially crowds of people, although this truly has gotten 10 times better than when we first came home.

The graduation was great and we are so proud of Caleb for his accomplishment. He seems to truly love the Army and passing his physical test did not come easy as he went into the hospital while he was there and we were all praying that he would recover enough to pass his physical test, which HE DID!!!!!!!
Here are some pics of the day:

Tiff had her 17th B-day this week! One way we celebrate b-days at our house is the b-day person gets to make the menu of their favorite foods for dinner one night (of course, I do the cooking, so I wil choose to go out to eat on mine) or choose to go out to eat. Tiff planned her b-day menu 2 months ago of her favorites and she has been waiting ever since. She chose:
Appetizer: Southwestern Salsa & chips (A great bean dip that she and I make)
Chicken Crescents
Green bean casserole
Desert: Chocolate Trifle


Adoption "stuff" learned along the way #4:
I don't know how many of you journal, but I do keep a spiritual journal that usually is quite in depth writing. I have this blog that purposes as a journal for our family, but there are many things that happen every day in our adoption that would not be ideal to share on a blog, but to keep a personal journal of and eventually be able to go back and remember what you have made it through and even laugh about somet things later. I am a huge believer in a journal, because when you go through another trial, you can always look back at what you have already made it through and it gives you hope and builds your faith for the new trial. Anyway, up until recently, I had not been keeping a personal journal of the day in and out of our family happenings and a friend told me, "You have just got to write all of this down before you forget." She said even if you just write a one liner sum up for each child per day. I thought, yeah right, there is no way I could write just one line, but I gave it a try and it turned out to be great advice...it doesnt take but a second before I go to bed and I can already tell it is going to be great to look back at. Also, another awesome lady that I just met that owns an adoption agency and has adopted many children herself with special needs and said that one way she has gotten through the hard times is humor...so she deals with the trial during the day and then tries to find something humorous to journal about it that night. Afterall, laughter is the best medicine!

Smurfette: I know the Joe Deertay look brought back fond memories for you...it almost looked as good as your Happy Day's Joni look...lol!

Kevin & Tammy~ I have enjoyed keeping up with your journey! So glad ya'll are doing well!


junglemama said...

Happy Thanksgiving! And no Andrew is not adopted. :)