Saturday, March 29, 2008

While we are waiting...Part 2

Privyet (Hello/Russian :)
It has been a beautiful day here! We have no news to share yet...still waiting, but are hopeful that we will get an appointment next week. Please, continue to keep us in your prayers. God is sustaining is not always easy to wait, but we feel that we are staying in the Father's will for us and there is comfort in that. We have seen His hand at work too many times in our lives to doubt Him now! He has showed us over and over in our lives that no matter what happens, "All things work for the good for those who love Him" Romans 8... and His plan IS always perfect! We are so thankful for those of you who no matter what the circumstances look like, you continue to agree with us in prayer for this adoption, encourage us with the truth of God's character and plans for us...we cherish this!

Now, guess who is coming to Ukraine Tues...DUBYA...that's right...President Bush! President Yushchenko invited him to come! And...I forgot to tell you that when we were coming to the JFK (New York) airport our plane got held up on the landing strip at arrival because Air Force One was there and then departed. We could see it from our window. Cool, huh? I don't want to say that DUBYA is following us, but what do you think? Haha! We are going to try to find out exactly where he is going to be and get as close as we can if he is still here since it will probably be near downtown where we are.

I added a new song to the blog at the request of Grant. Chris Tomlin is his favorite music artist and this is his favorite song, "How Can I Keep From Singing". He brought this song to Ukraine with him and has listened to it often.

I will leave you with some pics:
1. Square of Independence (this is where the underground mall is)
2. This is how we walk so far when Grant gets tired.
3. The Golden Gate~ the log wall represents the wall that used to be around the city of Kiev to keep invaders out.
4. There are many street performers here for money...people playing music and singing (and it is pretty good too) and last night we saw this one...a guy twirling and breathing fire...and he had drummers behind him.


niki said...

So glad you are getting to explore
Kiev! I love the pix-thanks.
It's great for Grant to have this whole experience-of a lifetime, to share with his friends! Blessings from the good old USA.
Dan says hi, and the kids can't wait for a new cousin-
Love and prayers -

Lauren said...

We miss you so much! Prayer time on Friday was not the same without you. We are praying for you and anticipate every post! Jason's Oink Oink story is the best! Sooo Funny!

To Grant From Gabe: I hope you have the time of you life. I miss you and Mr. Jason's fun on Wed. night small group! Send me an email soon please.
Love Gabe

To Grant From McKenzie McHenry
If you get a brother name him George

to Grant From Gavin
" the Lord"

Anonymous said...

Was the fire guy in Podol? You would have been only a few blocks from us! Let us know next time you're this way...

Anonymous said...

Hello Hall Family! It's Stephanie - I am the teenager that met you and talked to you for a while last Sunday at the church in Kiev. (I was with the medical team). I just wanted to write and say that I have been thinking about you guys every day since meeting you and have been praying for you and for Grant and for your new child. I am so excited for you! Sounds like you have had an incredible journey so far. I will definitely stay in touch with you guys... It was great meeting you and please know that I am praying faithfully for you!

Jerry and Amanda said...

Jason, Melanie, and Grant,

Just word of encouragement-Hang in there! It will happen soon and when you really need it the most!

We have loved our time with you and hope that we will keep in touch although we will be traveling soon. I have your pictures ready to send, but Jerry lost your e-mail. Please call us and give it to us again so that I can e-mail the pictures.

Make sure to check out the vendors by St. Andrew's and the SDA. They have some great souvenirs!

We are only a phone call away. We will continue to pray for a speedy and healthy appointment. Please make sure to keep us up to date and we will do the same.

God's time is always perfect and there is a reason that you are waiting for the perfect appointment. Jeremiah 29:11 is my favorite verse and is very appropriate for this situation.

Jerry and Amanda

susan said...

It's awesome the things you are seeing and experiencing, they are part of the tapestry that God is weaving in your lives. I miss you so much!!! Tiffany is with us this weekend and is still doing well. I hope your ready to give up the tahoe! (ha ha)
Kayla has five stitches in her right pointer finger from a softball hitting it while she was swinging the bat Friday night, the threads in the ball sliced it. It s was pretty awful until the numbing of the finger! Tell Grant that it's a finger thing in our church body (Roger, Grant, Kayla). Kathy and I prayed on the phone Friday as it did not work out for me to go to her house and no one ele either. We lifted yall up and do believe any day God will reveal your child and you to your child. Your Mom seems good too, she is the official Max babysitter! Are yall homesick or just enjoying this time? Read Isaiah 51 when you have time. The Israelites are saying to God, "wake up, don't you see our plight", God responds, "you wake up and remember who I am and know that I am delivering you, I have and will care for you". The entire chapter is good. Gotta take a shower for church. Having a Breakfast Team Luncheon at my house after church so I've been preparing.
The last revisit was beyond what we could have hope, thought, or imagined, fill you in later. I watched session 3 of Beth Moore Friday. #4, Accessed, I can love anyone through anything!