Monday, March 31, 2008

While we wait- Part 3

It has been an eventful 2 days. Yesterday, we went to church at Hillsong Kiev and really enjoyed it. They had little headphones for us to listen to the service in English...that was pretty neat. We took the headphones off during worship time since we knew some of the songs and we just sang in English while they sang in Ukrainian. Trish R. at your request, I am posting some pics and I had short video I made, but can't get it to upload on this post, so will try again later.....

Also, we went to church last night with our facilitator (B) (I will start putting facilitator initials for Debardelaben's and Taylors since you know them. This is our 3rd Sunday there...we are starting to feel like regular attenders there :) It is a smaller, intimate atmosphere and we really enjoy it also. They have acoustic worship that is very pretty. We broke up into small groups last night and they prayed again for our adoption process.

Today, we walked to Independence Square to eat at the underground food court and when we were about half way there we could hear singing and yelling on a microphone and cheering from a crowd. And, when we arrived at Independence Square, we saw TONS of people holding Old Soviet Union Flags protesting against NATO in response to President Bush being here today. So, there was definitely a different atmosphere here today. We tried to find out where Bush was going to be so we could go, but couldnt. Here are the pics from the protest....

Well, hopefully we will have some news this week of advancements in our adoption process! Mel

Niki~ Tell Dan and the kids we also said, "hello"!

Stephanie~ It is great to hear from you and so sweet of you to be praying for us!! I was told yesterday about your adopted siblings and how you learned Hindi before you went to meet the one from India. That is AMAZING! Please do keep in touch and also when you get a chance, we would love to hear how things went at the orphanage with your medical mission team last week.

Lauren & Susan~ MISS YOU TOO, especially on Fridays!!! Thanks for the updates! Lauren~ Thanks for the messages from the kids to Grant. He loved them and wanted to respond to them, so I quote this from Grant:

To Gabe: "Hey Dude, What's up? We are having a good time in Ukraine. Miss you. To

Mckenzie: "If George is Curious, do you think my brother or sister will be curious like Curious George?"

To Gavin: "Hope you are having a fun time in Wed. night class. We miss you." Susan: Thanks for the scripture, I am going to read it tonight. I cannot believe Kayla's finger...we all cringed (sp?) we when read it. Hope it is feeling better now! I have thought about the retreat revisit several times and wondered how it went, so can't wait to hear about it!!!

Post again soon! Mel


GiGi a.k.a said...

Privet Grant T.,
I loved the video on "The Head," book. Max is still wearing green...guess those smart people at "Pet Smart," can figure this one out. Jason I know you called this morning and everything is well. Except you may need to email me personally about Max's bathroom habits. I'm finding 2 AMs may be exceptional, but I know he is getting use to a new set of herds. Really we are fine, and can't wait for you all to get back home. Enjoy the sites. I love you all. GiGi

Kay said...

Hey ya'll!!! Glad to see the new pictures. They are great!!! Ya'll all look great. Hopefully this week will bring you closer to your destination. Take care. Love to all!!!

Dave said...

We discovered Hillsong Kiev on the internet and are planning to attend when we're there for our second appointment. It's nice to hear of someone who has checked it out. While on the subject of worship music--Grant, the Tomlin song was a nice add.
Praying for you to see God's hand move on your behalf. Hope everything comes together soon!

Anonymous said...

Grant, you are really having an adventure. Have you learned how to say french fries in Russian? Muh calls me everybody day to see what you have been up to. Love you.

Anonymous said...

For Grant, "Knock, knock! Who's there? Cow-go. Cow-go Who? No, Cow go Moo!!!

"I miss you, Grant. When are you coming home?" -Emma

Anonymous said...

It was nice to talk to you yesterday. Beth and Silas and Gracie spent the night last night, which meant Nik's and Matt's bunch were there too for a while...and a scrabble event in the kitchen. We all missed you. Hope today has been a good one for you. love, Dad

Anonymous said...

We were watching the Ukrainian news and (though I STILL don't catch everything that's being said...grrrr), it was clear that MANY of the folks holding the red Soviet flags were PAID to be there! That also happened during the Orange Revolution -- many holding the blue opposition flags were simply paid a day's wage to stand in opposition to the Orange. Interesting, eh?

susan said...

Yesterday God led me to pick up a book I've had for awhile. Radically Obedient, Radically Blessed by Lysa Terkeurst. The main point of this book is 6 words, WHATEVER GOD SAYS DO, DO IT. Anyway, after googling her name I discovered she is the woman who adopted the boys from the choir, the testimony you heard on family life today where 31 children were eventually adopted. How cool is that! I hope to read more of her books. Have you read Radically Obedient, Radically Blessed? It is now What happens when women say yes to God and is updated. I pray that God will bring you back to us soon! Love,susan