Wednesday, April 2, 2008

While we wait- Part 4

Still no news yet of an appointment! As those of you have experienced this know, the wait is difficult at times. Please continue to pray for orphans become available daily, we are trusting in God's timing for the right day of our appointment. In the meantime praying for strength to wait! We are in communication with our facilitators and they are working each day to get us an appointment.
Also, our friends from Birmingham, Jerry and Amanda traveled to another region yesterday, so they are no longer in Kiev. I know some of you have added them to your prayers, so I thought you may like to see how they are doing is their Jerry & Amanda~ We sure do miss ya'll already...Kiev feels different without ya'll here. It was great to talk to you today. We will anxiously be waiting to hear more and watching our email!

Yesterday, we caught word that President Bush was going to be at St. Sophia's Cathedral, which is in walking distance from our flat. So, we walked there and tried to see him, but we had just missed him :( They still had the roads blocked off and the security there, but no "DUBYA". Here is a pic of the cathedral he was at.

Also, I thought about it after I posted the protest pics. I wanted to make a point to tell you that although we posted those pics because that was what we were near...let's see there were thousands of protestors, but there are 4 million people in the city of Kiev alone, so they represented a small group. I can't stand when the news only reports the bad, so I thought I would put the whole thing into perspective.

Well, to past the time away, we decided to make a list of some things that we like about Ukraine so far. The obvious is all of the friendships that we have made and all the people that are working with us to make this adoption happen and also the churches we have attended. So, here is our list not in any certain order... just for fun....

1. Sushi fast food at the food court

2. Ring tone of our Ukranian cell phone (It has techno music and speaks in Ukrainian when it rings...we all know it by heart and say it together when it rings. We could be saying, "We are freaky Americans for all we know", but we love it!!!

3. Great water pressure (only Jason would think of this :)

4. Croissants

5. Walking everywhere


7. Baskin Robbins

8. Cathedrals

9. Huge fish dept at the grocery store

10. Many cars that I have never heard of


1. Croissants

2. Salmon at TGIF

3. Not as cold as I thought

4. That I have always wanted a brother or a sister (Grant told us a few days ago that he was going to be mad if he got all those shots and he doesnt get a brother or a sister out of it)...we said, "So are we, haha!)

5. Sitting in the window at the flat and watching outside (The window is very wide to sit on and believe it or not, we all three sit in the window and make games out of it)

6. McDonald's

7. Watching Narnia DVD

8. Statues

9. Eating with friends and facilitators

10. Pringles

1. Walking everywhere (although with bags of groceries, it is on my dislike list also)

2. Underground food court

3. The beautiful cathedrals

4. They use old timey baby carriages here instead of strollers

5. The Ukrainian language...I am starting to pick up on a little of the alphabet...The letter P is our R, an H is our N, and a backwards R is pronounced ya...I'll teach you more later, haha!

6. Crazy driving (because it makes mine look good)

7. Ukrainian food

8. Raffaello coconut treats

9. Instead of police in cars, they stand on the side of the road and wave a stick at you if they want a car to stop and people actually pull over from them just waving the stick...there is tons of policeman all over.

10. The villages on the way to the Donestk region

From Grant to Emma: "What's up. Did you know it is my bed time at your school time? Yesterday, President Bush came. We thought we might get to see him though. Cow-Bye!

From Grant to GiGi~ "We are having fun in Ukraine! We are going to get 7 brothers/sisters, so you may want to buy some diapers. Give Max LOTS of kisses for me and I love you....Bye!

Susan~ Oh MY!!! I can't believe that about that book...I had chills when I read your comment!! Did you tell Lauren...remember she was there when I told that story. She would probably like the book too. Her adoption testimony is still AMAZING to me!!! After seeing your comment, I tried to find the broadcast to listen to it again, but havent yet!!! Wow...thanks for the reminder of that story...I had not thought of that since I had been here and it really encouraged me!!!!

TJ, Grandaddy, & Muh~ Thanks for the comments...hope everything is going well there! Muh, thanks for putting us on the prayer list at church...we sure are glad!!! I hope Granddaddy liked Jason's pig story! Luv U!

Marianna~ That is wild that they got paid to hold the flags and protest. That never even crossed my mind! I didnt know that happened in the Orange Revolution either. Did you get to independence square that day?


P.S. Jason asked if someone could please Fed Ex him a Nacho's Bell Grande from Taco Bell :)


Anonymous said...

I hope to have a list of links to adoption blogs on my blog...maybe even you have a problem if I link yours? Any others that you would suggest?

niki said...

jason-I'll make sure and eat a
Nachos bell grande for you!Grant-
I like the way you think(7 brothers
or sisters) Mel-I love coconut, bring me some of those raffaello treats!Sending prayers continually-

niki and the clan

susan said...

I am so excited about finding Lysa Terkeurst, can you google her website? Just put in her name, she has a picture of her family with the adopted boys.
Genesis 24 the entire chapter. Abraham sent his servant to find Isaac a wife. The servant thought Abraham was crazy, "but suppose I can't find a young woman who will travel so far from home?" verse 5
in verse 6 Abraham says to him "He will send his angel ahead of you and He will see to it that you find a young woman there to be my son's wife." On over in verse 27, The Lord has been so kind and faithful to Abraham, for he has led me straight to my master's relatives." Oh how I ask God to this for you and Jason and Grant. You have obeyed, ventured out to a different country with no guarantee except from God, I ask that He would quickly reveal your child and you would not like Abraham's servant it is the one God has selected. I thought about today when you get back and wondering if you will be bringing him/her on Fridays and what an opportunity for Kathy and I to spoil them.
Tell Jason that if all he is missing is Taco Bell then I don't know what to say. Sunday night Trish cooked for us and we ate turnip green, fried squash, roasted chicken, corn bread, mac and cheese, now that is something to miss.
It is hot here today, allergies are in season. Kayla's finger is healing. Mimi called me and was trying to find out what city yall were in, she told me not to worry, she would find out. If you have not heard from her, tell me how to get in contact with you and I will call her.
Will Grant be a different eater when he returns? Do they have waffles?
Yall are having a once in a lifetime adventure try to see God in every detail.

Anonymous said...

Hello Hall Family! It's Stephanie again. I have been very excited to keep up with your adventures in Ukraine through your's such a great idea. YES the waiting is hard...especially so far from home!...but it's worth it! I have been praying especially for your new child...he/she is going to have one awesome family!
The trip to the orphanage went really really well. I loved the kids there - they were so precious and it was hard to leave! I miss the kids a lot. It was a really great trip. We were thinking about you guys the whole time!
Have a fantastic day! Praying for you guys!
Love, Steph

Anonymous said...

I started to blog last night when I left work at 11:30 but I was too tired to think. I'm still too tired to think this morning but I wanted to say hello and tell you I love you all.(You should see what these words look like when I first type them in.) After today I will finally be caught up here at work. I will probably even get the weekend off. What a miracle! speaking of which, yours is coming soon. Hold on to your hats, God is fixin' to move. For all of you out-of-towners, "fixin' to" is a strictly Southern USA idiom. It means , whatever activity described is in preparation and is going to occur very soon. For those of you from the southern USA, it still means the same thing...but you already know that. Jason and Grant, Biscuits Baseball starts tonight...I won't be there. The Braves are 1 and 1.
I Love you and miss you all, Dad

Anonymous said...

you have officially been there longer than we were in China! our little China doll is growing up fast...she's 5! and Katy is 8 TODAY! Grant, Katy says hey! we check in on you guys regularly and are praying for you. this must be great family bonding time! the neighborhood is going to look so different by the time you bring your new child home...houses being demolished and rebuilt daily. Yours looks fine tho! ha! take care...

adoptedthree said...

The one thing I missed the most in Ukraine was the spicy things and Taco Bell was always the first meal I got when I got home! I hear ya there!!!

Praying you get an appointment soon.

GiGi a.k.a said...

Priviet Hall Family,
Grant your Ukrainian voice over the phone sounded wonderful. He spoke in Ukraine/Russian at the same time. He is gifted in many areas. I thought for awhile that you were speaking of adopting 7 children in Ukraine??? I'm impressed with all your learning, and the daily habits of eating Ukrainian chocolate easter eggs (daily habit) shhhhhhhh I'm sure Dad has had a pleasure buying them for you I Max, well he just gets better and better everyday. If I put on Mommies clothes he runs-up and tries to play. His eyes and brain don't always match
But he is doing wonderful...the only dog I know with green permanent marker for a lifetime. I pray your sister or brother doesn't think Max has green markings. Your a good boy, and you make me laugh sooooo much. Keep your prayers going. He is listening. Tiff is studying hard, and driving so well. Remember, I told you Jesus loves to hear, and answers the prayers of all his children.

I was thinking this morning what a God-given opportunity it is to serve the Lord, and where he takes us can be new levels of learning and endurance. He proves our willingness in faith to serve him even when we see no way. We have to be thankful in all things. It's not always and easy calling or a feel good chosen life for many. I feel blessed to even think of having another grandchild to love, but especially to know it will be given to our loving family who knows Christ, and will give back to him that which is already his. That is to put them in the arms of God's love and care first. That is the greatest thing of all. He loved us first and created us to commune with him and to his glory. I know this is our year of blessing through adoption; however, there are those little ones that never have the chance for God to hear a physical cry because of our laws in America. I don't mean to bring a political forum into our beautiful adoption. But at the moment we as Christians have a chance to fast and pray, to intercede on those little ones with unheard voices. For those interested and want to speak out against abortion in this country go to It starts at 8:30 AM at Capitol steps and goes over into the Renaissance Hotel in Montgomery from 9 AM - 9 PM Saturday. It's a cry to Congress to stop the murder of our children. The Lord listens to the cries of his people when they become the threshing floor of his righteousness. With one voice in prayer united, I believe he answers. Thank you Lord for this child you are about to bring into our home. Everyone, and everything belongs to you. We give you glory!

GiGi a.k.a said...

What does the word Dubya mean? I know I'm older and don't watch TV and new terminology doesn't come quick anymore. The only thing I could think of when you spoke of that word in conjunction with President Bush was Dubai, Arabia. Really don't laugh, I think that is where all the Presidents stay when abroad. Please clear me up on this. In need of language lessons badly. luv ya, Mom

Anonymous said...

Dear Jason and family,
We are following your overseas trip. We will continue to pray for all of you and that God will deliver what he has for all of you. God Bless, Ken & Nita Robertson

Jerry and Amanda said...

We are missing ya'll too! We talk about you constantly and you have been in our prayers. It was wonderful to talk to today and expecially tonight.The Lord is always listening! We are praying that the rest of your trip goes smoothly and we can't wait to talk to you again!! We am so glad that Grant likes Narnia!!

Our #3 had a great time talking on the phone with you today!!Maybe you will get to talk to #1, #2, and #4 soon!

When we all get beack to Kiev, we can meet in the Globe food court for McD, suchi, ice cream, and what ever else you may find! We will have to rent out a whole side of the food court!!

Jerry and Amanda

TrishGastineau said...

Hi Mel, Jason & Grant!
Our family is always excited when we log on and see your new posts. We are praying for you all and really want to help Jason out with the Taco Bell thing. We looked online and found a lovely picture of a Nacho Bell Grande that we were going to send, but alas, I couldn't figure out how to upload it from here! ;-> wink
We pray that things will start happening now and that you'll get to come home with a larger family soon! We miss y'all!
The Gastineaus

transformed said...

Hi Mel, Jason and GRANT,
Sorry it took me so long to figure out how to write you. If you are able please send me a phone number to call you. I will pay the cost if it has any on your end. Just want to hear your voices. We continue to pray that you all will be able to hear clearly from God knowing that He only tells what you need for the next step. Jason, especially for you, we are praying that you will hear with such clarity that you know, that you know, that you know God' heart for you. What an awesome experience to walk in God's perfect will for you at this time. We love ya'll dearly.

Grant, we agree with you. You really need to get your brother or sister after all your hard work going so far away.

Be blessed, Raymond and Claudia

transformed said...

One more thing. We did have Taco Bell tonight, but it was just Nachos Supreme. Atlanta Highway is the best one we have been to. It is consistantly better. We will take you to Taco Bell when you get back Jason.
R and C