Sunday, April 13, 2008

April 13th

Hi everyone~ Thanks for your prayers and gathering up the prayers of others! The city council here did meet and cleared everything up on that end, so that we are back to the normal process now. The next step is to wait on a court date and while we are waiting we have been graciously invited back to Kiev to Dr. Jim and Marianna's for a few days. I cannot tell you how AWESOME and a God send this couple has been for us. Their main ministry here is a medical outreach, but they have been a huge support to so many adoptive couples here. Marianna is so energetic, creative, and they have so much wisdom. When we have been to their house even just for dinner, she always greets at the door with a "Welcome Home" and it is always just what we needed. We are not staying in the main part of the region, but in a small town. There are about 2 Ukrainian eating places that we have found and not really a decent supermarket for us to get food...just bottled water and crackers/cookies/fruit. Although, we didnt want to face the drive back, we felt that it would be best to go back to a bigger area and "refuel" and stock up on anything we may need. We are going over our time frame left in this process and taking into considerations that the U.S Embassy here (this is part of our process)will be taking holidays the last week of April/beginning of May. There are many decisions to be made and we ask that you keep this in prayer. We miss you all and love that we can communicate back and forth in this way!
P.S. Love the new pic of the Flahive's on the of the nights that I was sick, I opened up the blog and there was your new pic and it brought much cheer!!


niki said...

Enjoyed our talk yesterday!

Unknown said...

sup yall me and meme wanted to say said her and mom went to ccc today.she said adams music was good and he looked good.she stayed with max tonight while mom went to church.he watched her eyes as she looked at the open door trying to get him to go out.when he got to the door she ran to close it and he quickly! ran to the said i give up!!!!.hello grant love u meme. now cdogg im happy 4 u guys.i know gods will will play out through dis.everything is alright here.ill let yall know what happens tuesday.we will b praying 4 u krazie k and cuz meme dogg

Stephanee&Zach said...

I am so glad to hear that things were cleared up with the administrative side of things. That is great that you found some missionaries to connect with. There is also a missionary in Zhytomer named Rosa - she is so sweet - she has helped us to communicate with the child that we hosted at Christmas and we have enjoyed learning about her work there. I can give you her number if you want. I know she would so happy to hear from Americans in her town! Also, if you get a chance, send me an email, because I would love to know if you are in the same internat as our girls.
Stephanee Potts

Stephanee&Zach said...

Oh my email is or

Jerry and Amanda said...

Hey guys! Just wanted to say hello adn let you know that we think of you daily. We hope the re-stocking goes well and that you get some great time the kids!

Still hanging out waiting for the 10 days to be up!!

Talk to you soon!

Jerry and Amanda